Authentication and Authorization Using JWT on Quarkus
A few weeks ago I interested to try Quarkus, actually 1.0 was released last November, but I didn’t have much free time to try. Right now I have pretty much free time because of the rona. I want to share my experience on how to secure your HTTP API in Quarkus using JWT, because I think it’s important feature. For comparison with Spring Webflux, you can see my story here, for Spring WebMVC see my repo here.
JWT on Quarkus is more simple than Spring, because it’s an official feature.
1. Setup Project
Go to select at least this 2 package dependency.
- SmallRye JWT
2. Create Public and Private Key
For unix-like OS you can run this command on terminal, for private key
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -keyout privatekey.pem -out csr.pem
for public key
openssl rsa -in privatekey.pem -pubout > publickey.pem
then, copy privatekey.pem
and publickey.pem
to resources folder (src/main/resources
3. Config Project
Add some config to
quarkus.smallrye-jwt.enabled=true# for jwt expiration duration
4. TokenUtils
Next, create TokenUtils
class for generating a token.
5. Model
Next, create a User POJO and some DTOs.
6. Password Encoder
Next, create your custom password encoder (for user’s password simulation), don’t forget to add some properties for your secret salt on
# for user's password simulation
Next, create endpoint for login (generate token), don’t forget @PermitAll
for login endpoint.
And this is for example secured endpoint.
Done 👍, next you can test your http API (e.g. using Postman).
Full source code is available on my Github page.
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